

slang Marijuana. Hmm, smells like some people in here are getting high on some doja.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. marijuana. Where can I score some dodja?
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • pillow-biter
  • (something) blows
  • on one's
  • on someone's
  • (as) gay as a three-dollar bill
  • (Have you) been OK?
  • a copy
  • out of one's
  • (I've) got to go
  • #dead
References in periodicals archive
And DOJA, a Canopy-owned British Columbia brand, worked with boutique agency Juliet and Cannabis Amnesty to create Pardon, a line of clothing that advocated for the hundreds of thousands of Canadians with past or present cannabis convictions.
Daily News Egypt interviewed the project's officers and its designer Eslam Khater, sales manager of Doja Developments, Mostafa Anbar, engineering director at the company, Raef Fahmi Architects- RFA founder Raef Fahmy, and Tamer Mostafa Mito, chairperson of Mito Consult, to know Aurora project's details, the transcript for which is below, lightly edited for clarity:
Crack a smile Students with American rapper Doja Cat
Tabassum Yasin, Parveen Ansari and Saima Doja were the second runners-up in Starter, Dessert and Main course category, respectively.
The same situation can be found in the localities Ernei, Galesti, (5) Fantanele, Gheorghe Doja, Glodeni, Livezeni, Miercurea Nirajului, (6) Pasareni, Vargata, etc.
Ahmad and Doja narrated price as a crucial feature [20].
Ploiesti Shopping City is located close to the National Road 1 (DN1) which connects Bucharest to the Prahova Valley and required a EUR 65 million investment.AFI Palace Ploiesti is being built on the Gheorghe Doja Street and will host some 100 shops.
Doja, "Genetics and the myth of vaccine encephalopathy," Paediatrics and Child Health, vol.13, no.7, pp.597-599, 2008.
Instead, ajalomaj 'narrate' could mean 'talk about something', without necessarily including an addressee; rimeina 'buy' could mean ' acquire something through exchange' , with the source of the acquisition being completely irrelevant; doja:ie 'steal' could mean 'take something without permission', again, without any implication that the original owner might be affected by the event.
Web-based video-sharing sites like YouTube have increased instructors' access to brief videos to demonstrate course content; however, the quality and accuracy of this content varies (Lim Fat, Doja, Barrowman & Sell, 2011; Richardson, Vettese, Sussman, Small & Selby, 2011).
Scarcity is the "passive motor of history." Violence is internalized scarcity (9) As Doja puts it, Sartre criticizes the abstraction of structural analysis and its objectification of human experience.
Architektas, kaip ir bet kuris kitas menininkas, nau doja panasias priemones ir praktikas idejoms perteikti.