a/the fish rots from the head down

a/the fish rots from the head down

proverb Trouble or failure in an organization can be traced back to its leader(s). The board has to get rid of the CEO for the good of the company. I mean, a fish obviously rots from the head down. A: "I just found out that my boss got caught embezzling." B: "Huh. I guess a fish rots from the head down."
See also: down, fish, head, rot
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • a/the fish stinks from the head down
  • cook the books
  • cook the accounts
  • be put out to grass
  • be had up (for something)
  • thick on the ground
  • thick/thin on the ground
  • cue
  • (right) on cue
  • start out at an amount of money