
the changes

Menopause. Some women have many difficulties during the changes, both physical and emotional.
See also: change
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. an alteration in one’s mental state. (see also go through the changes.) I’m forty and I’m finished with the changes, and if there’s anything I don’t want it’s to be young again.
See also: change
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • on one's
  • on someone's
  • out of one's
  • (I've) got to go
  • save someone's skin
  • (Have you) been OK?
  • other than
  • other than (something)
  • pillow-biter
  • let something drop
References in classic literature
Everything in nature is apparently in a state of continuous change,* so that what we call one "event" turns out to be really a process.
(1) Cases in which only certain appearances of the object change, while others, and especially appearances from places very near to the object, do not change;
(2) Cases where all, or almost all, the appearances of the object undergo a connected change.
But confining myself more to the particular, I say that a prince may be seen happy to-day and ruined to-morrow without having shown any change of disposition or character.
The change in Miss Fairlie was reflected in her half- sister.
And will he then change himself for the better and fairer, or for the worse and more unsightly?
If he change at all he can only change for the worse, for we cannot suppose him to be deficient either in virtue or beauty.
We shall best understand the probable course of natural selection by taking the case of a country undergoing some physical change, for instance, of climate.
We have reason to believe, as stated in the first chapter, that a change in the conditions of life, by specially acting on the reproductive system, causes or increases variability; and in the foregoing case the conditions of life are supposed to have undergone a change, and this would manifestly be favourable to natural selection, by giving a better chance of profitable variations occurring; and unless profitable variations do occur, natural selection can do nothing.
It appears to have no contrary, unless one should define the contrary here also either as 'rest in its quality' or as 'change in the direction of the contrary quality', just as we defined the contrary of change of place either as rest in a place or as change in the reverse direction.
Together with our friends and allies, we will work together to shape change, lest it engulf us.
"I should think," said Venus, "you might make so trifling a change without bothering me.
Afterward, wishing to see if the change were complete, Venus caused a mouse to approach, whereupon the woman shrieked and made such a show of herself that the Young Man would not marry her.
Passepartout did not change countenance on hearing this name.
I've changed my game, you see, and simply because it was for my interest to change it.