a still tongue makes a wise head

a still tongue makes a wise head

proverb It is much wiser to speak only when it is appropriate or after one has thought carefully about what one wants or needs to say. If I may offer some advice, you should try to refrain from discussing your personal affairs so openly and at such length. Remember, a still tongue makes a wise head. I try to teach all my pupils that still tongues make wise heads.
See also: head, make, still, tongue, wise
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

still tongue makes a wise head

Prov. If you are wise, you do not talk very much.; You should only speak when you have judged that it is appropriate to do so. Don't chatter about whatever comes to your mind. A still tongue makes a wise head. Kathy really offended Mr. Parker by talking so much about his ex-wife. She needs to learn that a still tongue makes a wise head.
See also: head, make, still, tongue, wise
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • as one door closes, another (one) opens
  • as one door closes, another one opens
  • as one door closes, another opens
  • give (one) (one's) head
  • give head
  • give somebody their head
  • give someone their head
  • give (someone) an inch and (someone) (will) take a mile
  • give (someone) an inch and (someone) (will) take a yard
  • drive (one) out of office