
Related to hardhat: helmet

hard hat

1. modifier Requiring the use of rigid protective headgear, usually a location or area. This is a hard-hat zone, so you won't be let in unless you're wearing the appropriate protective clothes.
2. modifier Of or characterized by extremely conservative views, beliefs, or opinions. This area of the country has some pretty entrenched hard-hat politics.
3. noun A construction worker, in reference to the protective headpiece made from rigid metal or plastic that is often worn in construction work. Though the work was tough, I loved working as a hard hat when I was younger.
4. noun Any working-class individual with extremely conservative views or beliefs. Though opinion polls show the governor's approval ratings slipping in the rest of the state, she still enjoys considerable support from hard hats in more rural areas.
See also: hard, hat
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

hard hat

A working-class ultraconservative. For example, They were counting on a large number of votes from the hard hats. This term alludes to the rigid protective headgear worn by construction workers, who were noted for their conservatism during the tumultuous 1960s. [c. 1960]
See also: hard, hat
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.


1. n. a protective helmet worn around construction sites. (Standard English.) You’ll need a hardhat to come into this area.
2. n. a construction worker. (Usually derogatory.) The hardhats didn’t care much for the actress’s politics.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • hard hat
  • nothing if not
  • nothing if not (something)
  • nothing if not something
  • high old
  • keen as mustard
  • a broth of a boy
  • broth
  • broth of a boy
  • ever so/ever such...
References in periodicals archive
According to maintenance supervisor, PCC Terna, Denis Francisco the HardHat is a C[pounds sterling]really tough machine ideal for BahrainCOs harsh desert-like conditions, heat and humidity.C[yen]
Atlas Copco began offering the HardHat canopy on the XAS 185 JD7 compressor in February.
In addition to the Hardhat Awards, the AGC also honored Swalling Construction as "Subcontractor of the Year." Swalling won the award for its part in the Fort Richardson Moose Run golf course upgrade.
The hardhat version meets ANSI Type I and II hardhat standards.
Through oily, acrid smoke, sweat glistens on his bulging biceps and naked chest, and above the taut, fine line of his mouth, a scarred hardhat is pushed back to expose a curly hank of virile, dark hair.
"There has already been a strong interest and initial leasing activity using only fleer plans and hardhat tours," said Tom Lebling, Equity Residential's senior vice president for the Northeast region.
The man said he called police after the hardhat man started rubbing himself on his car window.
Reluctantly, I secured a permit, borrowed a neighbor's chainsaw and red hardhat, burned the pine needles in my pickup bed, and made ready to become a woodcutter.
"Despite these limitations, and the additional challenge of working in a remote market, we were able to complete this project within established parameters by managing construction documents and communication between all team members." Work on the office space commenced while the building was still under construction, which resulted in numerous hardhat meetings.
Employees give each child a Woodenwings T-shirt and hardhat. The crew tells the kids they are junior members of the team.
Halfway up a hillside in the Shirakami Mountains, a logger wearing a canary-yellow hardhat and kneehigh split-toed boots withdraws a machete from a cherry-bark sheath slung on his belt.
Buildings Commissioner Robert LiMandri, who took over last year at a time when New York was contending with several high-profile construction disasters, was in attendance with his own hardhat.
Afterwards, when Pork Belly had driven off shaking his head, Sonny told us in no uncertain terms that henceforth there would be absolutely no interruptions during a safety-meeting presentation, and that the first person to violate this edict would be kicking his hardhat home.