He cautions, however, that it's difficult to accurately
extrapolate from findings in a limited area to an entire country, as Page's team has attempted to do.
Smoldering peat disgorges huge volumes of carbon. (Wildfire Below)
Other scientists caution that it may not be easy to
extrapolate the new work to elderly people.
Muscles, not nerve cells, fail in old worms. (Outmuscled)
Vatican Radio refuses to make public the power and direction of the transmissions from rotating antennas, making it impossible to
extrapolate radiation doses from one area to an adjacent one.--J.R.
Study links cancer to Vatican Radio. (Environment)
extrapolate to Earth's inner core, Heinz and his colleagues recently studied alloys of iron and silicon at temperatures up to 2,100 [degrees] C and pressures exceeding 800,000 times atmospheric pressure at sea level.
Earth's inner core could include silicon. (Science News of the week)
"It's difficult to
extrapolate from these animal data whether or not the effect would be the same on humans." Lai says.
Microwaves and Memory Loss
However, because there's little data on actual crowd behavior for testing the new model, he says it's premature to
extrapolate the simulation results to real-world situations.
Virtual stampede sees faces in crowd
"It's safer not to
extrapolate too far," says study coauthor Catherine Schairer, an epidemiologist at NCI.
Progestin adds to breast cancer risk
"From a very short period of time, you can't
extrapolate the rate of change of a very slow process," he says.
Recent heat may indicate faster warming
extrapolates from the illogical, lobs in some gallows humor, and creates new absurdities.
Nicola Lopez: Irvine Contemporary Art
Admitting the incomplete and faulty nature of these sources, Trexler nevertheless
extrapolates from them to con-dude that in North and South America it would be difficult to find a single tribe without berdaches (121); probably each village had at least two or three, and in cities there were many more in temples and chieftains' retinues (125).
Sex and Conquest: Gendered Violence, Political Order, and the European Conquest of the Americas
CORRECTION: This study, by the research arm of Planned Parenthood, mocks scientific analysis and
extrapolates from extremely dubious assumptions.
"Morning-after" mockery. (Correction, Please!)
The second is that the book's conclusion, very interesting in its own right,
extrapolates from British experience to the global condition.
An Environmental History of Britain Since the Industrial Revolution