References in classic literature
"It is difficult, my children," observed Grandfather, "to make you understand such a character as Cotton Mather's, in whom there was so much good, and yet so many failings and frailties.
"Was not the witchcraft delusion partly caused by Cotton Mather?" inquired Laurence.
Here Grandfather was interrupted by little Alice, who hid her face in his lap, and murmured a wish that he would not talk any more about Cotton Mather and the evil spirits.
"Cotton Mather prayed most fervently for their success," continued Grandfather, "both in his pulpit and when he kneeled down in the solitude of his library, resting his face on our old chair.
I tell you I envied your magistrates here hauling money out of motorists every week I had managed to make our ordinary revenue and expenditure just about meet, and I was crazy to get the odd two hundred pounds for my cotton. That sort of thing grows on a chap when he's alone--and talks aloud!"
"You liked your cotton, dear?" She tidied the lump away.
It is quite true as our Sahib says, the man-eaters lay, flat around his feet, and asked for spades to cultivate cotton. That very night, when I was cooking the dinner, the Hajji said to me: 'I go to my own place, though God knows whether the Man with the Stone Eyes have left me an ox, a slave, or a woman.' I said: 'Thou art then That One?' The Hajji said: 'I am ten thousand rupees reward into thy hand.
"Whoop," yelled the Cottons. They rushed away to dig worms at once, Mirabel leading the van with a tin can.
"I ain't going to, 'sociate with the Cottons," said Dora loftily.
"I run away from Sunday School -- and went fishing with the Cottons -- and I told ever so many whoppers to Mrs.
"Then we put our night-gowns over our dresses, and were laid peacefully in bed when Betsey came up, earlier than usual; for it was evident that Miss Cotton felt a little suspicious at our sudden weariness.
Cotton in the market, and ran all the way home, so that I might get in before he came.' "Up came the heavy basket, bumping and scraping on the way, and smelling, O, so nice!
"The other girls went to their rooms as agreed upon, and all was soon dark and still up stairs, while Miss Cotton began to enjoy herself below, as she always did when 'her young charges' were safely disposed of.
'Well?' said my aunt, taking out the cotton on that side again.
That there were now occasional sounds of feet and voices overhead which he inferred the cotton did not exclude, from the circumstance of his evidently being clutched by the lady as a victim on whom to expend her superabundant agitation when the sounds were loudest.