(as) often as not

(as) often as not

In most instances; usually; at least, if not more than, half the time. As often as not, Jamie's and David's debates end up turning into petty arguments. I find these introductory college courses to be, often as not, a rather boring waste of one's time.
See also: not, often

as often as not

Frequently; more than half the time. The phrase is not always preceded by the adverb "as." As often as not, I end up disliking coming back to my hometown for a visit. I'll have a drink with dinner often as not.
See also: not, often
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

often as not

see under more often than not.
See also: not, often
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

(as) ˌoften as ˈnot


more ˌoften than ˈnot

frequently; usually: As often as not I watch TV after dinner.
See also: not, often
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • be like ships in the night
  • be like ships that pass in the night
  • be ships that pass in the night
  • not for a second
  • not for a minute
  • not for a moment
  • not for a instant
  • not for a/one minute/moment/second/instant
  • aint
  • ain't