breathe easy

breathe easy

To feel calm or relieved because a stressful situation has ended. With your thesis defense finished, you can finally breathe easy! All week, I was worried about having to give that presentation, so I can breathe easy again now that it's done!
See also: breathe, easy
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

breathe something (of something) (to someone)

to tell something to someone. (Usually in the negative.) Don't breathe a word of this to anyone! I won't breathe a word!

breathe easy

to assume a relaxed state after a stressful period. After this crisis is over, I'll be able to breathe easy again. He won't be able to breathe easy until he pays off his debts.
See also: breathe, easy
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

breathe easy

Also, breathe easily or freely . Relax, feel relieved from anxiety, stress, or tension. For example, Now that exams are over with, I can breathe easy, or Whenever I'm back in the mountains, I can breathe freely again. This idiom originally (late 1500s) was put as breathe again, implying that one had stopped breathing (or held one's breath) while feeling anxious or nervous. Shakespeare had it in King John (4:2): "Now I breathe again aloft the flood." The variant dates from the first half of the 1800s.
See also: breathe, easy
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.


To be relaxed or relieved, especially after a period of tension.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
See also:
  • the calm after a storm
  • keel
  • even keel
  • hairy situation
  • get a grip of (oneself)
  • get a grip on
  • get a grip on (oneself)
  • get a grip on yourself
  • get/take a grip/hold on yourself
  • on a knife-edge
References in periodicals archive
The nine-strong team will raise funds for the Breathe Easy Charity during the walk on Friday, June 21.
According to the company, it will now introduce seven products re-designed and re-packaged specifically for US consumers: Gut Support, Optimal Iron, Integral Probiotics, Omega Source, Breathe Easy as well as Brain Booster.
The Clyde Valley Breathe Easy Group has been running for the last 13 years, meeting on the first Thursday of every month at the Wishawhill Community Centre in Wishaw.
Breathe Easy Solihull Dr Chirag Dave, a respiratory consultant at University Hospitals Birmingham, based at Solihull Hospital, will be the guest at the next meeting on May 1.
vvDivision two was another close one, but backers of front-running favourite Conqueress could breathe easy once they saw a still of the finish, for having been headed (high of 22) Richard Kingscote had got her back up on the line to collar Prufrock (1.16), the only ride on the card for Jamie Spencer.
The video was coupled with the caption, "After years of holding its breath, Cleveland can finally breathe easy. They always knew this day would come.
A hilarious sketch titled "Breathe Easy" was a taster of what's to come from "The Democracy Handbook." Bassem has been busy working on his new project for Fusion TV's new digital platform "F Comedy" since last February.
Salma Ansari, spouse of Hon'ble Vice President of India launched 'Football for Health' for the children of Bapu School along with Breathe Easy India, Youth Football International and West Bromwich Albion Club officials.
I am chairman of the 'Breathe Easy Coventry" British Lung Foundation Support Group.
NEWLY?CROWNED Man of Steel Daryl Clark wants to join the exodus to the NRL - but Warrington fans can breathe easy.
The British Lung Foundation (BLF) support group Breathe Easy Cardiff will be holding an awareness stand at Llandough Hospital on June 18 and 19 aimed at helping sufferers achieve an earlier diagnosis.
Aleva Naturals Bamboo Breathe Easy Baby Wipes WIPES made from soft bamboo cloth enriched with natural saline, eucalyptus and menthol oils to gently clean and moisturise little stuffy noses without any chemicals.
Breathe Easy donated PS1,500 to Ward 18 at North Tyneside General Hospital, which cares for people with a range of respiratory conditions, to buy equipment for patients.
The Breathe Easy publication is designed to educate the public regarding possible COPD symptoms and explains what to do once these symptoms are discovered.