I haven't encountered the
BSOD a week on, previously, I would encounter it once, sometimes twice a week.
TECH BREAK: How to save your computer from the 'blue screen of death'
I am grateful to
bSod nams dBang Idan and Shar rgyan dbang 'dus of the Tibet Museum and Ven.
Homage by an emperor: a Yung-lo embroidery Thangka: Amy Heller unveils an extraordinary, unknown 15th-century Chinese Buddhist silk embroidery, made as a gift from the Yung-lo Emperor to the Tibetan lama who was his personal teacher and mentor
'di ltar 'gro ba mi yi
bsod nams las grub pa'i gzhi skyes bu mi chos (8) kyi lo rgyus dang/ rgyan (9) dam pa lha chos kyi lo rgyus gnyis las/ dang po ni/ slob dpon arya de was/
Edited text of the Tsarang Molla
(40) The "Dga' bzhi pa" in question must be the statesman and minister (bka' blon)
Bsod nams bstan 'dzin dpal 'byor (1761-after 1809), who writes in his autobiography, in RDO(lh) 1084 [RDO(ch), 2: 1284], that the lady in question was his lcam chung, "junior wife," as opposed to Rnam rgyal sgrol ma, his lcam proper.
The life of 2nd Rje mkhan po
Bsod nams 'od zer (1613-1689), the life of 2nd Rgyal sras sprul sku Kun dga' rgyal mtshan (1689-1713) and the life of Bya chu dkar mo bla ma Ngag dbang pad dkar.
Literature on Bhutan in LTWA
"the three who attained spiritual realisation" (grub thob): Dus gsum mkhyen pa dPal chos kyi grags pa, Phag mo gru pa and gSal sto sho sgom, and
bSod nams rtse mo, the second Sa skya pa hierarch.
Remarks on Phya pa Chos kyi seng ge and his Madhyamaka Treatises
Ultimately, some of these relics and flowers were deposited within the grand statue of Maitreya which Sakyasri consecrated at Khro phu monastery from 7 to 13 March 1212.(6) It is this work that is cited in part by
Bsod nams dpal bzang po and almost in full by Dpa' bo, albeit via yet to be determined [intermediaries.(7) The colophon on fol.
On the lives of Sakyasribhadra (?-?1225)
The second colophon states that it was compiled by a
Bsod nams rgyal ba in the course of a convocation held shortly after his [passing..sup.12] Structured around his apprenticeships with Mitrayogin, Buddhasri and Sakyasri, and therefore either the basis for the Chos rje khro los pan grub gdan drangs pa'i rnam thar bsdus pa, or, perhaps less likely, an expanded version of the latter, it provides many hitherto unknown details of his life, including the fact that he passed away towards the very end of 1236 at the age of sixty-four.
Two Biographies of Sakyasribhadra, The Eulogy of Khro phu Lo-tsa-ba and its "Commentary" by bSod-nams-dpal-bzang-po: Texts and Variants from Two Rare Exemplars Preserved in the Bihar Research Society, Patna
gcung po klu brag pas mdzad pa'i [15] rgyud phyag brgyas 'bring gsum/ gnyag ston ri pas mdzad pa'i/ sgron ma 'grel ba nyi 'od brgyan/ brgyal ba [Bru rgyal] rin po ches mdzad pa'i sgron ma'i dgongs don dang / snyan rgyud phyag khrid lag len dmar khrid kyi bskor/ don ldan zhang ston
bsod rin gyi mdzad pa'i man ngag dmar khrid kyi bdams pa drug bya ba yod do/ de rnams snyan rgyud stod lugs kyi bon skor la rtogs pa'o/ Earliest Sources of Lineage Histories
Greatly perfected, in space and time: historicities of the Bon Aural Transmission from Zhang zhung
6); and finally, a transliteration of Glo bo Mkhan chen
Bsod nams lhun grub's (1456-1532) Rtag(s) kyi rnam gzhag rigs lam gsal ba'i sgron me (appendix).
Monastic Debate in Tibet: A Study on the History and Structures of Bsdus Grwa Logic
* Man lung pa
bSod nams dpal (1235 or 1239-?), (1) and
In the presence of the "Diamond Throne": Tibetans at rDo rje gdan (Last quarter of the 12th century to year 1300)
Given this, we can then conclude that the white-haired individual diagonally above Acala's right shoulder is his father, Sa chen Kun dga' snying po (1092-1158), and the other figure diagonally above Acala's left shoulder his elder brother, Slob dpon
Bsod nams rtse mo (1142-82).
Xizang Wenwu Jingcui /Bod kyi rig dngos snying btus, A Well Selected Collection of Tibetan Cultural Relics.~
In 1570, at age ten, 'Khon ston pa's parents took him to receive teachings on refuge and the altruistic mind from the third Dalai Lama,
Bsod nams rgya mtsho (1543-1588).
The life and lives of 'Khon ston dpal 'byor lhun grub
Konchok Chophel (dkon mchog (35) chos 'phel, 1573-1646), who was a tutor (yongs 'dzin) of the fifth Dalai Lama and became the 35th Throne Holder (khri pa) of Ganden monastery (1626-1637), was called the incarnation of Panchen Jampa Lingpa (pan chen byams pa gling pa'i skye ba) (36) since he was regarded an incarnation of Panchen Jampa Linpa Sonam Namgyal (pan chen byams pa gling pa
bsod nams rnam rgyal, 1401-1475).
The Mongolian incarnation of Jo nang pa Taranatha Kun dga' snying po: Ondor Gegeen Zanabazar Blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan (1635-1723): a case study of the Tibeto-Mongolian Relationship