clock watcher


One who often checks the time during an activity or event, as due to boredom and/or a desire to leave. He's a total clock-watcher, so I doubt that he likes his job.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

clock watcher

n. someone—a worker or a student—who is always looking at the clock. People who don’t like their jobs can turn into clock watchers.
See also: clock, watcher
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • clock-watcher
  • watcher
  • be out of (one's) mind with (something)
  • be/go out of your mind
  • boredom
  • set the/(one's) clock(s) forward
  • put the/(one's) clock(s) forward
  • move the/(one's) clock(s) forward
  • turn the/(one's) clock(s) forward
  • punch a/the clock
References in periodicals archive
Sir Raylton Dixon, who had a ship building yard, and the Ironworks of Bolckow Vaughan in Vulcan St refused to contribute as they did not want their workers to become "clock watchers" The clock tower was given Grade 11* listing status in 1988 and upgraded in 1999.
EXPERIENCED clock watchers in Millennium Place will have noted one of the council's top officers teeing up more excuses for not putting back the Time Zone installation.
"For those clock watchers, who keep looking at the clock and worrying about '2am ...
Since it stopped, I''ve been inundated with calls.'' But frustrated clock watchers are going to have to wait at least three more weeks.
Lough Electric in Dryden is not a place for clock watchers. Drive by their Kennedy Road shop at 6 a.m.
Clock watchers will tell you the time was very ordinary but he seemed to win with any amount in hand and could be a class above today's rivals including the filly Ninita who also has a 100 per cent record having scored at 50/1at Wolverhampton on debut.
It trains your muscles to be firmer and flatter in just four weeks - but won't help you lose weight, pounds 77.99 Clock watchers Eye Clock What could be funkier than a timepiece which uses a pair of pupils to indicate the time - with the left eye looking to the hours, and the right at the minutes, it makes clock watching all the more exciting.
It seems that the German troops now in Afghanistan "don't like to go out at night." Apparently, they assume that the Taliban consists entirely of nine-to-five clock watchers.
'We do not want to turn Wales into a nation of clock watchers, and few mind putting in extra effort from time to time when it is needed, but it is too easy for extra time to get taken for granted and then expected every week.': The cost of Wales' long-hours culture:According to the TUC, the nation's 'long-hours culture' means employees in Wales do pounds 4,224 of unpaid overtime every year.
"Many physicians who took straight salary lost their entrepreneurial spirit and became 9-to-5 clock watchers."
For clock watchers, this cannot be considered the beginning of the end, but it might be the end of the beginning," says Jay C.
Seven groups of US consumers Percentage of Segment adult population Median age Free birds 13 69 Continuing care givers 7 55 New mes 8 55 Second chancers 10 45 First families 30 37 Clock watchers 15 32 Nervous novices 16 31
The time figure she put up when winning at Leicester at the start of the season had the clock watchers drooling and, as she has had a few months off and goes well fresh, she is definitely a player.
TUC general secretary Brendan Barber said, 'No-one says we should turn into a nation of clock watchers, or never put in extra time when there's a sudden crisis or sudden rush.
TUC general secretary Brendan Barber said: "No-one says we should turn into a nation of clock watchers, or never put in extra time when there's a sudden crisis or sudden rush.