Danny Strong, who has written Washington-insider stories for HBO, also took
artistic license when transforming longtime White House butler Eugene Allen into the fictionalized Cecil Gaines for "Lee Daniels' The Butler"
New scribes prove wise: first-time screenwriters' savvy belies their inexperience behind the keyboard
Cook's backyard, though painted with
artistic license. Her "dog clothes," hat, crocs, bumper, pool, and subjects are the real thing.
Featured LSMS physician artist
PONTEFRACT: 2.30 Baltimore Jack, 3.00 Kakapuka, 3.30 Thunderball, 4.00
Artistic License, 4.30 Theola, 5.00 Alainmaar, 5.30 Captain Flasheart.
Ayr's three-day Gold Cup meeting [...]
Now the corporation will no longer continue to contend that a spurious
artistic license gives broadcasters the right to swear.
A clean-up at the BBC
As a person with several decades of NRA pistol competition experience, I know the value of safety, but we all know these pictures are posed, and a certain degree of
artistic license is assumed.
The finger
Of course, filmmakers aren't bound by the desideratum of realizing clinical accuracy, even if they have had experience with mentally ill persons, and I wholeheartedly defend the director's/screenwriter's/actor's prerogative of taking
artistic license. My point of view, however, is that there is plenty of dramatic potential when actors give clinically authentic portrayals, so why not do it "right"?
Portrayals of affect in film
If not, the message was right on and totally accurate, with a bit of
artistic license to it.
See the movie
An affidavit from
Artistic License of the United Kingdom claims that an executive and an attorney for Color Kinetics served a cease-and-desist order at the former's booth at a trade show, demanding that the staff take down its color-changing LED displays and stop selling the products or risk being sued.
Patent battle stirring up LED industry
Our anger has less to do with the movie's many inaccuracies and
artistic license than with the general public's lack of knowledge about disabilities like the one portrayed in the movie.
Million dollar sucker punch: people with disabilities take on the culture of death
"Obviously there will have to be some
artistic license used when writing this story for film but already there are perfect twists in the plot beginning to unfold.
Coming to a theatre near you: The Belfast Job; EXCLUSIVE
But Leyva's true love is private residences, having more of an
artistic license being able to design for the residents, who will actually live in the space he creates for them.
Homes are where the art is for Ismael Levya
A DEVOTEE OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN since co-founding the Gilbert & Sullivan Players at Oberlin College, Gayden Wren, the entertainment editor for the New York Times Syndicate, tackles the salient matters of the British duo's partnership, creative conflicts and
artistic license with precise language and pithy comments.
A Most Ingenious Paradox: The Art of Gilbert and Sullivan
Recognized for using their
artistic license to drive sales, winners have been named in the dealer categories of the Newspaper Association of America's 2002 Dandy Awards for excellence in automotive newspaper advertising.
2002's Dandy dealer ads
A longtime queer film festival programmer and an art-house film distributor (handling titles such as 2001 Oscar nominees Sound and Fury and The Taste of Others), Zeig is currently bringing The Girl to screens across the country via her own company,
Artistic License. The Advocate sat down with her to talk girls, guns, and genre revisionism.
In a real-life abuse of public responsibility, good taste, and
artistic license, the Brooklyn Museum of Art is presenting "Sensation," featuring a portrait of the Virgin Mary with her breast decorated by a piece of what is described delicately as elephant dung.
Art Wars