fat city

fat city

1. A secure and pleasant situation, often financially. (The phrase can also be capitalized, as if "Fat City" were an actual place.) Grandpa will be living in fat city once his pension checks start rolling in.
2. Referring to being fat or obese. My New Year's resolution is to get out of fat city, so I've started working with a dietician.
See also: city, fat
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

fat city

Also, Fat City. A condition or circumstance marked by considerable prosperity or having a superior advantage. For example, With that new job she'll be in fat city. [Slang; 1960s] Also see easy street.
See also: city, fat
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

fat city

1. n. a state of wealth and comfort; easy street. She’s living in fat city ever since she inherited her fortune.
2. n. fatness (expressed as a place). I’ve had it with fat city. I’m going on a diet.
See also: city, fat
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

fat city

Prosperous circumstances. This slangy Americanism originated about the middle of the twentieth century and is on its way to becoming a cliché. “This last jump in the Dow average has put Mr. Welch in fat city” (Boston Globe, 1987).
See also: city, fat
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • easy street
  • easy street, on
  • get on (one's) soapbox
  • go non-linear
  • launch into
  • launch into (something)
  • teach an old dog new tricks
  • teach an old dog new tricks, one can't/it's hard to
  • You cannot teach an old dog new tricks
  • you can't teach an old dog new tricks
References in periodicals archive
Drago's Fire House (Fat City) - $50,000 for new stucco, a large windowed portion on the front and landscaping
I'm not into boxing, although I like boxing movies like Raging Bull and Fat City. It's an interesting topic for fictionalisation, this weird arena of society that gets paid to beat each other up.
Despite a political backlash against fat City bonuses and salaries, blamed for helping encourage a culture of excessive risk-taking, the consultant said average remuneration in the City edged up 0.3 percent to 51,512 pounds ($84,080).- Reuters
A 'Fat City' mystery, Kathryn Lilley's A KILLER WORKOUT (9780451225351, $6.99) is set in Durham, North Carolina--the diet capital of the world--and tells of a TV reporter who signs on for active duty at a boot camp-style fitness program.
Midler and her entourage of talented performers including The Harlettes (Jordan Balard, Kyra Dacosta, and Kamilah Martin) a 13 piece band (part of which is a six-piece horn section from Las Vegas band The Fat City Horns), and 20 female dancers round out the show.
For a few years, he wrote a column for us called "Fat City," about unpretentious places where the food was first-rate and, he said, "You're likely to be seated by your plumber, a retired circus performer or a county judge"--his dream guest list, if ever there were one.
The likes of Heartbreaker, Hellfire and Fat City have hints, too, of early Kiss.
The evening was capped off with dancing to the sounds of The Fat City Band.
Professor Turner and associates at the London School of Economic and Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Spain conclude in Fat City: The Relationship Between Urban Sprawl and Obesity, that urban redesign will not solve the obesity problem.
SMART DEFENSE When you're hanging out, it's easy to ignore your body's messages ("I'm full!") and forget why you didn't order your own fries (fat city!).
3, Rio Ferdinand: Rock and roll he is not, but the Manchester United defender is sufficiently inspired by music to have set up his own record label, Fat City. Ferdinand labelled Coldplay "too depressing," which is just about the only thing he has got right all season.
'Living in Fat City' and 'Eat your Rainbows') and provides clear concise information in such a non-judgemental way that the empathy and warmth towards busy parents can be felt as you read through the book.
This is further assisted by original in-game character artwork being designed by Mike McMahon, one of 2000AD's most popular comic artists, most known for WatchTower and Fat City.
With much of the original, high-carbonated Pepsi Generation now graying and favoring low-carbs over low-cal, the explosion of carbohydrate-reduced food products in Fat City has reached epidemic, though unfortunately not necessarily Epicurean, proportions.
A Night Of Substance tomorrow plays host to the genre clashing sounds of Asian Dub Foundation Sound System, DJ As-If (Fat City), Just Us, Elementz Of Noise, Parallel Forces, Reggae Warrior, Gumbo Ya Ya, Calculus and Spen.