wheel man

wheel man

The driver of an escape vehicle during some kind of crime, especially a robbery. Sometimes spelled as a single word. Vic here is the best wheel man in the city. You just make sure that you get to the pickup on time, and he'll get you out of there before the cops know what hit 'em. We'll have a pretty big crew for this job, so we'll need at least three wheelmen we can count on.
See also: man, wheel
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

wheel man

n. the (male) driver of a criminal escape car. (Underworld.) Lefty was the wheel man for the bank job.
See also: man, wheel
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • wall-eyed
  • joy box
  • joybox
  • jack-off
  • kissy
  • kissy face
  • kissyface
  • LNU
  • FNU
  • Joe Schmo
References in periodicals archive
WHAT A GEM: Queen Mum gives wave; LOOKING WELL: Sophie is driven to do; ROYAL SMILE: Princess Anne has a laugh; A WHEEL MAN: Viscount Linley on his bike; PARTY GUESTS: Zara and Peter Phillips; HEIR WE GO: Charles, Harry and Wills; GRIN 'N' TONIC: Princess Eugenie arrives
But the BAR wheel man is not happy to settle for that and he is aiming high, with F1's most successful star in his sights going into next week's first round in Australia.