"It's very important that we restore deterrence," said Brian Hook, the State Department's special representative on Iran, adding, "We're accumulating risk in the Middle East by not getting at Iran's regional activities." Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is a towering physical presence and a
fast talker, said in his prepared remarks: "The Iranian regime robs its own people to pay for death and destruction abroad." National Security Adviser John Bolton called the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), "the worst diplomatic debacle in American history" and an agreement "based on a flat-out lie, the illusion that the Iranian regime never desired a nuclear weapon."
Does Trump's Tough Talk on Iran Have a Next Step?
Instead, here was someone who seemed too young for the role-hip,
fast talker, quirky movements, and who even had a flask pocket in his boots.
Why Scotch whisky is no longer just your father's drink
Just like United States President Donald Trump, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has established a reputation as a
fast talker not afraid to use direct language.
Did Philippine President Duterte talk too fast about China?
In a widely read expos` of swindles, quack medicines and other"humbugs," Barnum declared that the"greatest humbug of all" was the individual"who believes or pretends to believe that everything and everybody are humbugs." This person, Barnum observed,"professes that there is no virtue; that every man has his price, and every woman hers; that any statement from anybody is just as likely to be false as true; and that the only way to decide which is to consider whether truth or a lie was likely to have paid best in that particular case." Barnum was a consummate American: a
fast talker, a self-promoter and a relentless striver.
No, Trump Is Not PT Barnum
On his website, johngreenbooks.com, one can find lively videos in which he speaks out on many topics--and he's a very
fast talker! (It was challenging to transcribe his spoken insights.) His proclamations are both insightful and impassioned.
Still looking to Ban Alaska
Other crisply drawn characters include Roseanne Barclay, a corseted, organizing fury who holds her cards close; Adam Snellgrove, Loyce's widowed father, the postmaster, and a haphazard proprietor; Fate Landry, a
fast talker whose creative plans rarely pan out; Cairo Beauty, a blunt and affable former entertainer; and Val Broussard, Loyce's musically talented friend.
Postmark Bayou Chene
fast talker is very at home showing off his quick wit and banter live on stage and settles in for three nights at the Hippodrome.
One of my favorite quotes is, "A
fast talker is someone who says things they haven't thought of yet.
American Pharmacists Association (APhA): Tom Menighan, Executive Vice President and CEO
The Pepsi (6) '
Fast talker' commercial is a sweet idea, artfully executed within the suffocating straitjacket of 'boy meets girl' that Pepsi commercials seem to slavishly follow.
Pace turned out to he one of his most important considerations when approaching others he's a very
fast talker. One of the greatest skills that a person can develop is to he able to recognize the ways that others prefer to be approached--and then to he flexible enough to adapt when necessary.
Work styles: you need to be a match with your boss
Justice secretary Kenny MacAskill might be a
fast talker. But he is often repetitive, speaks from a prepared brief and stands accused of being complacent.
Fight for justice starts at the top; RecordView
"I did The Proms in front of 5,900 people, which is my largest crowd," says Wills, who is ironically a
fast talker. "Before I went on, I was thinking, how do you make eye contact with that many people?
Getting the silent treatment; Silence is golden as far as The Boy With Tape On His Face is concerned. The award-winning comedy act is the brainchild of Sam Wills who explained to Dave Freak why he hasn't needed to say a word to become one of the most talked about acts
"I did The Proms in front of 5,900 people, which is my largest crowd," says Sam, who is ironically a
fast talker. "Before I went on I was thinking, how do you make eye contact with that many people?
Silence is golden; The Boy With Tape On His Face is the extraordinary act that has taken the comedy world by storm without saying a word. Luckily his alter ego Sam Wills explained to Dave Freak why he's happy giving audiences the silent treatment
fast talker can be seen as aggressive and threatening
The trouble with Americans.... Ever come across a loud American in a louder shirt? Special Correspondent Bernd Debusmann investigates a battle to change perceptions
FAST TALKER: Nolan; SUNDAY BREAST: Kirsty on the red carpet
SHANE ON SCREEN: Nolan show's driven far too fast on the TV