come and go
come and go
To occur, exist, enter, or appear and then subside or disappear quickly and/or suddenly. Ill effects of the medication come and go, but they're still better than the disease it's treating. I'm tired of you coming and going as you please, so either stay here or stay out!
See also: and, come, go
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
come and go
1. Arrive and depart, either briefly or repeatedly; go to and fro. Shakespeare had it in The Merry Wives of Windsor (2:2): "He may come and go between you both." [Late 1300s]
2. Alternately appear and disappear, as in This rash is odd; it comes and goes. [Mid-1300s] Also see coming or going; easy come, easy go.
See also: and, come, go
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
ˌcome and ˈgo
exist or be there for a short time and then stop or leave: Newspapers come and go, and unfortunately the time has now come for this one to close. Feel free to come and go as you please.See also: and, come, go
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
- there is no such thing
- cell
- little gray cells
- little grey cells
- play down
- there is no such animal
- no such animal
- in all innocence
- vanish from
- vanish from (something)