An initialism of "don't worry," used especially in online communications, such as forums, chat rooms, instant messaging, etc. A: "We'll get fired if the boss finds out!" B: "DW, I made sure that I covered our tracks."


An initialism of "too long; didn't watch," used in online communications to indicate that one did not watch a video online because it was deemed too long or boring. Sometimes used as a modifier to describe such videos. Sometimes written "TLDW"; often spelled in lowercase letters. A: "Did you watch the documentary I posted on Spacebook?" B: "Nah, TL;DW." My latest video goes into all the details of my decision, but the tldw version is that I am majorly burnt out, and I need to take a step back from making content on ViewTube for a while.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • DWAI
  • DYK
  • DAE
  • CTC
  • DNW
  • CTN
  • iawtc