Amal Alamuddin Joins Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt at Anti-Rape Summit Two beautiful women show that they are not just some superstar's
arm candy, Nay, they are spearheading awareness for women's rights globally.
Amal-lina unites! Two starlets speak out against rape
New York, May 1 ( ANI ): A new male-escort service offers up "hireable hunks" to serve as handymen,
arm candy and sexy task rabbits, who will help around with the daily chores around the house.
New 'Rent a Gent' service provides arm candy for household chores!
Her outfit put a classy twist on the nautical vibe, with a white rope belt defining her waist and delicate jewelry on her wrists (Alex and Ani bangles are the current
arm candy must-have).
Summer stylings
According to Misha Daud of Eye Candy, MaE[macron]a N handbags have featured on the television show Gossip Girls and have been described as the latest A-listersAAE
arm candy, favoured by stars like the Olsen twins and Blake Lively.
Candy Do
Arm Candy Leslie Greene's antiqued sterling cuff with fleur-de-lis filigree is embellished with 40 points of diamonds (price on request).
Cuff love: fashion retools an ancient adornment
The bag (pounds 35) is one of a slew of musthave summer items from the high street favourite, and I think you will agree it is the perfect
arm candy for festival season.
On the fringe of festival fashion
arm candy in papaya orange, patent rose and other fashionable colours.
Think tutti frutti
Arm Candy, a shock 50-1 maiden winner on her last start, and Short Skirt, a half-sister to the Group winners Little Rock and Whitewater Affair, head the list of dark horses stepping up from maiden wins.
Champions Day: Bolgers Pett leads a strong Irish challenge
HOLLYWOOD Bracing news for showbiz Kabbalah devotees: Lance Armstrong's "live strong" wristbands have strong-armed its red-string adornments as celebs' must-have
arm candy of the summer.
Banded together
Heard the one about the fashionista and his
arm candy who live in parallel universes, and prefer chat rooms to snail mail?
Hello, word! (Society)
>> JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK: Jason Lee, the vociferous homophobe of Chasing Amy, winds up as punch-line
arm candy for cartoonist Dwight Ewell (Punks).
Big gay twists: they're b-a-a-ack--those wacky, wonderful supporting characters who turn out to be gay in the last reel. Thanks, Hollywood! We feel included! (Film)
Our Jen is proud of being more of a hands-off parent who gives her kids a bit of space 16 LESSONS IN LIFE Comic Shazia Mirza on what she's learnt so far 21 STYLE EDIT These leopard-print boots will give you some animal magnetism 22 FASHION Twenty sensational shoes to see you into the new season 24 FASHION The perfect
arm candy bags that'll have you looking sweet 26 BEAUTY Cleansing your face is a basic beauty principle, but are you doing it right, using the correct products?
What's inside this week
but if you've got the cash to splash, it's the perfect
arm candy.
FASHION FORECAST - this week's hot and not
Whatever you need for your day at the beach, we have some
arm candy you'll love 1 TASSEL DO NICELY This straw bag has room for all your beach essentials.
sand bags
arm candy that will give you personal satisfaction, yet it doesn't scream how much you paid for it.
The bold, witty new 'It' bags for summer 2017