She had been graciously pleased to
approve of both of the discourses which he had already had the honour of preaching before her.
Pride and Prejudice
His whole life had been spent in administrative work, and consequently, when he did not
approve of anything, his disapproval was softened by the recognition of the inevitability of mistakes and the possibility of reform in every department.
Anna Karenina
I don't mind saying that I don't approve of Tudor any more than you do, but I'm not called upon to tell him so.
"If we were belles, or women of wealth and position, we might do something, perhaps, but for us to frown at one set of young gentlemen because we don't approve of them, and smile upon another set because we do, wouldn't have a particle of effect, and we should only be considered odd and puritanical."
Little Women
"But do you
approve of it, Harry?" asked the painter, walking up and down the room and biting his lip.
Picture Of Dorian Gray
Synopsis: According to a recent Gallup Poll, 77% of Americans say they approve of marriages between blacks and whites.
Among blacks ages 18 to 49, 89% approve of interracial marriage, while among blacks aged 50 and older, 77% approve.
More than three in four Americans say they approve of marriages between blacks and whites -- similar to the results measured in 2003 and 2004.
According to the poll, 77% of Americans say they approve of marriages between blacks and whites, while 17% say they disapprove.
Seventy-five percent of whites approve of marriages between blacks and whites, and 19% disapprove.
Blacks are even more likely than whites to approve of interracial marriages -- 85% of blacks currently say they approve, leaving 10% of blacks who disapprove and 5% who do not express an opinion.
Americans aged 50 and older -- including whites, blacks, and Hispanics in this age group -- are less likely to approve of these unions than those 18 to 49 years of age.
Most Americans Approve of Interracial Marriages; Blacks more likely than whites to approve of black-white unions
Sixty-six percent of those surveyed would strongly approve or somewhat approve of the Cattleman's Beef Board contracting directly "with any entity, including businesses, university researchers, advertising and marketing agencies, and other consultants." Less than 25% would disapproved of this move.
Eighty-two percent of those surveyed would strongly approved or somewhat approve of "voting periodically on the continuation of the Beef Checkoff Program."
USDA announces the results of the Beef Checkoff Survey, which was conducted by the Gallup Organization among 8,002 beef, dairy, and veal producers nationwide