appear as

appear as

1. To have certain characteristics, often ones that are similar to something else. Cancerous cysts can sometimes appear as normal ones at first, so we have to do further testing.
2. To act, as in a play or movie. My agent has been getting a lot of calls about me ever since I appeared as Elphaba in "Wicked."
See also: appear
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

appear as something

1. to act a certain part in a play, opera, etc. Madame Smith-Franklin appeared as Carmen at the City Opera last season. The actor refused to appear as a villain in the play.
2. [for something] to be seen or occur in a particular form or with particular characteristics. The tumors appear as shadows on the X-ray. The first signs of the disease appear as a fever and a rash.
See also: appear
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

appear as

Act the part of in public, usually alluding to a performance on stage. For example, She got wonderful reviews when she appeared as Portia. This idiom uses appear in the sense of "to come before the public," a usage dating from the late 1500s.
See also: appear
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • appear
  • can do with
  • could do with
  • could do with (something)
  • could do with something
  • caught in the crunch
  • correspond
  • correspond about (someone or something)
  • interval
  • at intervals
References in periodicals archive
We will not allow any one else to appear as law does not allow any one other to do so, CJP said.
A number of methylene deformations appear as medium intensity peaks in the 1,250 to 1,475 [cm.sup.-1] region.
"It's designed to appear as a personal message when it is really an ad," they groused.
The MSS implemented virtualization by making the physical storage, actually robotically retrieved helical scan tapes, appear as rotating magnetic disk drives to the operating system.
Other distant space objects would also appear as a single dot on the superimposed pictures.
Such words appear as though they have been "pulled down" from the top-level menu.
Undissolved pieces of alloy appear as shiny spots on the surface of the casting.