

faff around fag fag out faint faint away
fake fake out fall fall about fall apart
fall away fall back fall back on fall back on/upon fall back upon
fall behind fall down fall for fall in fall into
fall in with fall off fall on fall on/upon fall out
fall over fall through fall to fall under fall upon
fan fan out farm farm out fart
fart around fasten fasten on fasten onto fasten on/upon
fasten up fasten upon fathom fathom out fatten
fatten up favor favour favour/favor favour with
fawn fawn on fawn on/over fawn over fear
fear for feast feast on feast on/upon feast upon
feed feed back feed in feed in/into feed into
feed off feed on feed to feed up feel
feel around for feel for feel out feel up feel up to
fence fence in fence off fend fend for
fend off ferret ferret out fess fess up
fetch fetch up fiddle fiddle around fight
fight back fight down fight off fight out figure
figure on figure out file file away file for
fill fill in fill out fill up film
film over filter filter in filter out filter through
find find against find for find out fine
fine down finish finish off finish up finish up with
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