

词组 feed
释义 feed
  [fed, fed, feeding]
 feed back
   feed backfeed back sth to give someone your opinion or the latest information about something, especially so it can be improved or changed
   + to
    Consumers are able to feed back to the company about its products.
   + with
    I am grateful to all those who fed back with their comments and suggestions.
    SIMILAR TO: ↑report back
    feedback n U advice, criticism etc about how good or useful something is:
    We've received some negative feedback from customers on the new computer software.
 feed in/into
   feed sth into sthfeed in sthfeed sth in to put something into a machine, especially information or money:
    Information about the weather conditions is fed into a computer so that forecasts can be made.
    I kept feeding money into the machine, but I still didn't win anything.
 feed into
   feed into sth if a river or road feeds into a bigger river or road, it joins it:
    Several rivers feed into the River Humber, including the River Derwent and the River Ouse.
    SIMILAR TO: ↑join
 feed off
  1. feed off sth if an animal feeds off something, it gets food from it:
    Crows circled overhead, waiting to feed off the bodies of dead animals.
    SIMILAR TO: ↑feed on
  2. feed off sth to use something in order to continue to exist or to get an advantage for yourself - used especially to show disapproval:
    The press and the Royal Family feed off each other - they both need each other in order to survive.
    Some people accused him of feeding off his father's reputation as a writer.
    SIMILAR TO: ↑feed on
 feed on
  1. feed on sth if an animal feeds on a particular food, it usually eats that food:
    Owls feed on mice and other small animals.
    Butterflies feed on nectar collected from flowers.
    SIMILAR TO: ↑feed off
  2. feed sth/sb on sth to regularly give an animal or person a particular kind of food to eat:
    The cattle are fed on barley and grass.
    Parents feed their children on all kinds of rubbish, but they still seem to grow up OK in the end.
  3. feed on sth to use something in order to become stronger or more successful, especially people's fears or worries - used especially to show disapproval:
    The Fascists were able to feed on people's fears about the country's economic situation.
    Prejudice feeds on mistrust and ignorance.
    SIMILAR TO: ↑feed off
 feed to
   feed sth to sth/sb to give an animal or person a particular food:
    Don't feed those apples to the squirrels!
    How can you feed that junk to your kids?
 feed up
  1. feed sb up BrE to give someone a lot of food, especially to make them healthy and not too thin:
    When I was young, my grandmother was always trying to feed me up with sweets and biscuits.
    A lot of models these days look like they need feeding up.
  2. be fed up informal to be bored, annoyed, or unhappy, especially because a situation that you do not like has continued for too long:
    You look fed up. What's the matter?
   + with
    People are fed up with airport delays.
    She got fed up with being treated like some kind of servant.
    SIMILAR TO: be hacked off informal




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