

词组 get the bounce or get the gate
释义 get the bounce or get the gatev. phr. slang 〖俚〗1or get the air To lose one's sweetheart; not be kept for a friend or lover. 失去恋人;被(朋友或爱人)抛弃。◆ Joe is sad because he just got the gate from his girl.乔很伤心,因为他刚刚失去了女朋友。◆ Shirley was afraid she might get the air from her boyfriend if she went out with other boys while he was away.雪莉担心,如果她在男友不在时与别的男孩子约会,她会被他抛弃。2or get the sack also get the hook To be fired; lose a job. 被解雇;失去工作。◆ Uncle Willie can't keep a job; he got the sack today for sleeping on the job.威利叔叔经常失业;他今天上班时睡觉又被解雇了。◆ You're likely to get the bounce if you are absent from work too much.如果你经常不上班,你会被开除的。




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