

词组 skin off one's nose
释义 skin off one's nosen. phr.slang Matter of interest, concern, or trouble to you. Normally used in the negative. 〖俚〗令某人感兴趣(或关心)的事;给某人带来麻烦的事。通常用于否定句。◆ Go to Jake's party if you wish. It's no skin off my nose.你想要参加杰克的晚会你就去吧。这跟我没关系。◆ Grace didn't pay any attention to our argument. It wasn't any skin off her nose.格雷斯根本没注意我们的争论。她对此不感兴趣。◆ You could at least say hello to our visitor. It's no skin off your nose. 你至少可以跟我们的客人打个招呼。这对你一点都不费事。




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