

词组 shoot straight or shoot square
释义 shoot straight or shoot squarev.informal To act fairly; deal honestly. 〖非正式〗举止公正;办事诚实。◆ You can trust that salesman; he shoots straight with his customers.你可以相信那位售货员,他对顾客童叟无欺。◆ We get along well because we always shoot square with each other. 我们相处融洽,因为我们彼此一直坦诚相待。— straight shooter or square shooter n., informal 〖非正式〗正派人。◆ Bill is a square-shooter. — straight-shooting adj.比尔是个正派人。正派的;公正的。◆ The boys all liked the straight-shooting coach.男孩子们都喜欢那位公正的教练。




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