

词组 lay on the line or put on the line
释义 lay on the line or put on the linev. phr. informal 〖非正式〗1To pay or offer to pay. 付款,出钱。◆ The bank is putting $5,000 on the line as a reward to anyone who catches the robber.银行悬赏5000美元捉拿劫匪。2To say plainly so that there can be no doubt; tell truthfully. 坦率地说;坦诚相告。◆ I'm going to lay it on the line for you, Paul. You must work harder if you want to pass.保罗,我要坦率地告诉你,你要想通过考试,就得更加用功才行。3To take a chance of losing; risk. 冒险。◆ Frank decided to lay his job on the line and tell the boss that he thought he was wrong.弗兰克决定冒着丢掉工作的危险告诉老板,他认为老板错了。




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