

词组 shoot from the hip
释义 shoot from the hipv. phr. informal 〖非正式〗1To fire a gun held at the hip without aiming by aligning the barrel with one's eye. 拔枪就射。◆ In many Western movies the heroic sheriff defeats the villains by shooting from the hip.在很多西部片中,英勇的治安官常常拔枪就射从而击败那些恶棍。2To speak sincerely, frankly, and without subterfuge. 说话真诚;坦率直言。◆ "What kind of an administrator will Mr. Brown be?" the head of the search committee asked. "He shoots straight from the hip," he was assured.“布朗先生会是怎样一种行政官员呢?”调查委员会的主任问。“他是那种有话直说的人,”人们的回答让他放心了。




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