

词组 shit——or get off the pot
释义 shit——or get off the potv. phr.vulgar, avoidable Given as advice or command meaning, "Do or at least try to do the job, or let someone else do it." 〖粗〗〖忌〗要么拉屎要么让出马桶;要干就干,不干就让别人干。◆ "What are the working conditions around here? " John asked Tom. "They are all straight shooters around here; the general mood can be characterized as 'shit — or get off the pot!'"“这儿的工作条件怎么样?”约翰问汤姆。“他们这儿都是些说话直截了当的正派人,总的气氛可以描绘为‘要干就好好干,不想干就滚蛋!’”




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