

词组 set down
释义 set downv.1To write; record. 写下;记下。◆ He set down all his important thoughts in his dairy.他把自己所有重要的想法都记在日记里。2To stop a bus or other vehicle and let (someone) get off. 让(某人)下车。◆ The bus driver set her down at the corner.公共汽车司机让她在拐角处下了车。3To put into some group; classify; consider. 归为;归类;认为。◆ When he heard the man speak, he set him down as a fool.听完那人的演讲后,他认为他是个笨蛋。4To explain; think a reason for. 解释;把…归因于。◆ The teacher set down the boy's poor English to his foreign birth.老师把那个男孩的英语不好归因于他生在外国。




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