

词组 eat someone out of house and home
释义 eat someone out of house and homev. phr.1To eat so much as to cause economic hardship. 把某人吃穷;吃光某人的家当。◆ Our teenaged sons are so hungry all the time that they may soon eat us out of house and home.我们那几个十几岁的儿子整天肚子饿,也许他们很快就会把我们吃得倾家荡产。2To overstay one's welcome. 因呆得太久而不再受某人欢迎。◆ We love Bob and Jane very much, but after two weeks we started to feel that they were eating us out of house and home.我们很爱鲍勃和简,但两个星期后我们开始觉得他们在我们家呆得太久了,我们有点厌烦了。




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