

词组 see through
释义 see throughv.1To understand the real meaning of or reason for; realize the falseness of. 看穿;识破。◆ The teacher saw through the boy's story of having to help at home.老师识破了那个男生说要在家里帮忙的谎言。2To do (something) until finished; stay with until the end. 做完(某事);把…干到底。◆ Once Charles started a job, he saw it through till it was finished.查尔斯一旦开始一项工作总是把它干到底。3To help and encourage (a person) through trouble or difficulty. 帮助或鼓励(某人)渡过难关。◆ Mrs. Miller saw Jane through her sickness.简生病期间米勒太太一直帮忙照顾她。4To be enough for; last. 足够;维持。◆ This money will see us through the week.这笔钱够我们维持一周的生活。




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