

词组 second wind also second breath
释义 second wind also second breathn.1The easier breathing that follows difficult breathing when one makes a severe physical effort, as in running or swimming.(激烈运动等力竭气急后的)恢复正常呼吸;换气。◆ We climbed with labored breathing for half an hour, but then got our second wind and went up more easily.我们气喘吁吁地爬了半个小时,但随后换了口气就比较容易地爬了上去。2in-formal The refreshed feeling you get after first becoming tired while doing something and then becoming used to it.〖非正式〗恢复精力;重振精神。◆ Tom became very tired of working at his algebra, but after a while he got his second wind and began to enjoy it.汤姆做代数做厌了,但过了一会儿他振作起精神又开始兴致勃勃地做了起来。




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