

词组 take down
释义 take downv.1To write or record (what is said). 记下;录下。◆ I will tell you how to get to the place; you had better take it down.我来告诉你怎么去那个地方,你最好记一下。2To pull to pieces; take apart. 把…撕成碎片;拆卸。◆ It will be a big job to take that tree down.要砍倒那棵树可不是件容易的事。◆ In the evening the campers put up a tent, and the next morning they took it down.晚上,野营者搭起帐篷,第二天早晨再拆掉。3informal To reduce the pride or spirit of; humble. 〖非正式〗挫…的傲气;压下…的气焰。◆ Bob thought he was a good wrestler, but Henry took him down.鲍勃自以为是个摔跤好手,但亨利却挫了他的傲气。




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