

词组 take up
释义 take upv.1To remove by taking in. 吸收,吸除。◆ When the vacuum cleaner bag is full, it will not take up dirt from the rug.吸尘器的脏物袋装满后,它就不能吸掉地毯上的灰尘了。2To fill or to occupy. 占去。◆ The oceans take up the greater part of the earth's surface.海洋占了地球表面的大部分。3To gather together; collect. 收集。◆ We are taking up a collection to buy flowers for John because he is in the hospital.我们正在凑钱为约翰买花,因为他住院了。4To begin; start. 开始。◆ The teacher took up the lesson where she left off yesterday.老师从她昨天停下的地方开始上课。5To begin to do or learn; go into as a job or hobby. 开始做;开始学;从事。◆ He recently took up gardening.他最近开始学起了园艺。6To pull and make tight or shorter; shorten. 收紧;收短。◆ The tailor took up the legs of the trousers.裁缝把裤腿改短了。7To take or accept something that is offered. 接受。◆ I took John up on his bet.我接受了约翰提出的打赌。




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