

词组 put off
释义 put offv.1informal To cause confusion in; embarrass; displease. 〖非正式〗使心乱;使困窘;使不快。◆ I was rather put off by the shamelessness of his proposal.他无耻的提议使我很反感。2To wait and have (something) at a later time; postpone. 延期;推迟。◆ They put off the picnic because of the rain.他们因为下雨将野餐延期了。3To make (someone) wait; turn aside. 使(某人)等候;敷衍;搪塞。◆ When he asked her to name a day for their wedding, she put him off.他要她定一个结婚的日子,她却把他搪塞过去了。4To draw away the attention; turn aside; distract. 使分心;使分散注意力。◆ Little Jeannie began to tell the guests some family secrets, but Father was able to put her off.小珍妮开始向客人讲一些家里的秘密,她父亲及时分散了她的注意力。5To move out to sea; leave shore. 离岸;出海。◆ They put off in small boats to meet the coming ship.他们划小船出海去迎接开来的大船。




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