

词组 get an eyeful or take an eyeful
释义 get an eyeful or take an eyefulv. phr.To have a long, careful look at something. 好好看一下,好好地欣赏一下。◆ "Sergeant, come and take an eyeful of this terrible sight here," the policeman said, pointing at the dead body of the murder victim.“队长,来看看这里这一可怕的景象吧,”警察指着被害者的尸体说。◆ "Take an eyeful of these wonderful paintings!" the museum director said to the special guests before opening the show.博物馆馆长宣布画展开幕前对特邀嘉宾们说:“请好好欣赏一下这些精彩的绘画作品吧!”




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