

词组 scare out of one's wits or scare stiff or scare the daylights out of
释义 scare out of one's wits or scare stiff or scare the daylights out ofv. phr.informal To frighten very much. 〖非正式〗把某人吓得魂不附体;把某人吓得发呆;把某人吓懵。◆ The owl's hooting scared him out of his wits.猫头鹰的叫声把他吓坏了。◆ The child was scared stiff in the dentist's chair. 那个小孩坐在牙医的椅子上吓得直发呆。◆ Pete's ghost story scared the daylights out of the smaller boys.皮特的鬼故事把那些小一点的男孩吓坏了。




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