

词组 nurture a snake in one's bosom or nourish a snake in one's bosom
释义 nurture a snake in one's bosom or nourish a snake in one's bosomTo be good and friendly to a false friend who will never repay one's friend ship, but will betray his or her benefactor. — A proverb. 〖谚〗在胸口养一条蛇;善待恩将仇报的人;养虎遗患。◆ When we supported Dale Edwards for promotion at the university, we had no idea that we were nurturing a snake in our bosom. He subsequently opposed every sensible proposal.当我们支持戴尔·爱德华兹在大学里得到提升时,我们根本没有想到是在养虎遗患。在得到提升后他一直反对每一项合理的建议。




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