

词组 fiddle while Rome burns
释义 fiddle while Rome burnsv. phr.To amuse oneself with some trivial activities while a major crisis, disaster, or war is in progress. 罗马遭焚时,犹在拉提琴;大难临头依然寻欢作乐。◆ As Hitler's Third Reich fell apart toward the end of World War II, the Nazi German movie industry churned out one ridiculous and sentimental love story after another; they were obviously fiddling while Rome burned.第二次世界大战临近结束,希特勒的第三帝国行将崩溃之际,纳粹德国的电影业却粗制滥造地生产出一部又一部荒诞不经、充满柔情的爱情故事片;他们显然是大难临头还在歌舞升平。




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