

词组 put out
释义 put outv.1To make a flame or light stop burning; extinguish; turn off. 熄灭;关掉。◆ Please put the light out when you leave the room.离开房间时请把灯关掉。◆ The firemen put out the blaze.消防队员把火扑灭了。2To prepare for the public; produce; make. 出版;公布;生产;制造。◆ For years he had put out a weekly newspaper.多年来,他一直在出版周报。◆ It is a small restaurant, which puts out an excellent dinner.这是家小餐馆,可做的饭菜却很棒。3To invest or loan money. 投(资);贷(款)。◆ He put out all his spare money at 4 percent or better.他把自己所有的余款以4厘以上的利息放债。4To make angry; irritate; annoy. 使生气;使恼怒;使烦恼。◆ It puts the teacher out to be lied to.老师因有人对他撒谎而生气。5informal To cause inconvenience to; bother. 〖非正式〗使不方便;麻烦,打扰。◆ He put himself out to make things pleasant for us.他费了不少麻烦把事情做得让我们高兴。6To retire from play in baseball. 把…杀出局。◆ The runner was put out at first base.跑垒员在第一垒上就被杀出局。7To go from shore; leave. 离岸;出航;离开。◆ A Coast Guard boat put out through the waves.一艘海岸警卫队的船穿过波浪出海了。8vulgar, avoidable Said of women easy and ready to engage in sexual intercourse. 〖粗〗〖忌〗(女子)主动献出肉体。◆ It is rumored that Hermione gets her promotions as fast as she does because she puts out.谣传赫迈厄妮升职如此之快是因为她主动献身与人上床。




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