

词组 hit the road
释义 hit the roadv. phr. slang 〖俚〗1To become a wanderer; to live an idle life; become a tramp or hobo. 开始流浪;四处漂泊。◆ When Jack's wife left him, he felt a desire to travel, so he hit the road.在妻子离他而去之后,杰克渴望外出旅行,于是他便开始了流浪。2To leave, especially in a car. 启程;动身;开车上路。◆ It is getting late, so I guess we will hit the road for home.天晚了,我想我们该动身回家了。◆ He packed his car and hit the road for California.他把东西装进汽车,然后启程上路驶往加利福尼亚。




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