

词组 face-to-face
释义 face-to-face1adv. phr.1With your face looking toward the face of another person; each facing the other. 面对面地。◆ Turning a corner, he found himself face-to face with a policeman.他拐过弯去,差一点跟一名警察碰个正着。2In the presence of another or others. 面对,当面。◆ She was thrilled to meet the President face-to-face.当面见到总统令她兴奋不已。3To the point where you must do something. — Used with with. 面临着。——与with连用。◆ The solution of the first problem brought him face-to-face with a second problem.第一个问题的解决使他又面临着第二个问题。




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