

词组 pull one's hair out over or tear one's hair out over
释义 pull one's hair out over or tear one's hair out overv. phr.To stay upset because of a frustrating event or situation. 为…而心烦意乱(或苦恼、沮丧)。◆ Mary was pulling her hair out over her husband's drinking, until she realized that the only solution was to send him to a doctor.玛丽一直为丈夫的酗酒而焦虑不安,后来她才意识到,唯一的解决办法是送他去看医生。◆ Don't tear your hair out over the new boss. He is here to stay; it can't be helped.不要为新来的老板而沮丧。他在这儿会待下去的,这是没办法的事情。




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