

词组 cut off
释义 cut offv.1To separate or block.使分离;切断;阻断。◆ The flood cut the townspeople off from the rest of the world.洪水把城镇居民与外界隔绝了开来。◆ The woods cut off the view.树林挡住了视线。2To interrupt or stop. 打断;使停止。◆ The television show was cut off by a special news report.电视节目被一特别的新闻报道所打断。◆ We were told to pay the bill or the water would be cut off.我们被告知要付水费,否则就会断水。3To end the life of; cause the death of. 结束…的生命;使死亡。◆ Disease cut Smith off in the best part of life.史密斯在风华正茂时被疾病夺去了生命。4To give nothing to at death; leave out of a will. 死时没给…遗产;未将…列入遗嘱。◆ Jane married a man her father hated, and her father cut her off. 简嫁了一个她父亲不喜欢的男人,因此她父亲死时什么也没留给她。5To stop from operating; turn a switch to stop. 使停止运转;关上开关。◆ The ship cut off its engines as it neared the dock.轮船靠近码头时关掉了它的引擎。




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