

词组 drive-in
释义 drive-inadj./n. A kind of movie theater, fast food restaurant, or church, where the customers, spectators, or worshippers do not leave their automobiles but are served the food inside their cars, can watch a motion picture from inside their cars, or can participate in a religious service in their cars.“免下车”影院;“免下车”餐馆;“免下车”教堂。◆ Let's not waste time on the road; let's just eat at the next drive-in restaurant.咱们就不要在路上浪费时间了;咱们就在下一个“免下车”餐馆吃东西吧。◆ There is a drive-in theater not far from where we live.离我们住的地方不远有一家“免下车”影院。




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