

词组 work out
释义 work outv. phr. (stress on out)(重读out)1To find an answer to. 解决,找到…的答案。◆ John worked out his math problems all by himself.约翰全靠自己解出了他那些数学题。2To plan; develop. 设计;发展。◆ Mary worked out a beautiful design for a sweater.玛丽为羊毛衫设计出一个漂亮的图案。3To accomplish; arrange. 完成;安排。◆ The engineers worked out a system for getting electricity to the factory.工程师们完成了工厂的供电系统。4To be efficient; get results. 有效;产生结果。◆ If the traffic plan works out, it will be used in other cities too.如果这一交通计划有效,其他城市也会采用。5To exercise. 锻炼,训练。◆ John works out in the gym two hours every day.约翰每天在健身房锻炼两小时。




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