

词组 third world
释义 third worldn.1The countries not aligned with either the former U. S. S. R. -dominated Communist bloc or the U. S. A. -dominated capitalist countries. 第三世界(指不与以前苏联为首的共产主义集团也不与以美国为首的资本主义国家结盟的国家)。◆ New Zealand made a move toward third country status when it disallowed American nuclear submarines in its harbors.当新西兰禁止美国核潜艇进入其港湾时,它便向第三世界国家地位迈出了一步。2The developing nations of the world where the industrial revolution has not yet been completed. 第三世界(指发展中国家)。◆ Africa and the rest of the third world must be freed from starvation and illiteracy.非洲及第三世界的其他国家必须从饥饿和文盲的状态中解放出来。




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