

词组 stand off
释义 stand offv. (stress on off)(重读off)1To stay at a distance; stay apart. 保持距离;与人疏远。◆ At parties, Mr. Jones goes around talking to everyone, but Mrs. Jones is shy and stands off.在社交聚会上,琼斯先生总是四处走动,和每个人都交谈,而琼斯太太却羞羞答答不与人们接近。2To keep (someone or something) from coming near or winning. 阻挡;挡住。◆ The other schools wanted to beat our team and win the championship, but our boys stood them all off.别的学校都想击败我们队获得冠军,但我们的小伙子们把它们通通打败了。




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