

词组 done deal
释义 done dealn. phr.A business or political deal or agreement, which was completed some time ago, without making officially public. 成交的买卖;已完成的交易;未正式宣布的协议。◆ "Who will be the next head of our department?" Professor Fisher asked. "Why, Patrick McInerney, of course, didn't you know?" "It was never announced." "You're right, it was not, but it is a done deal."“谁将是我们下一位系主任哪?”费希尔教授问。“当然是帕特里克·麦金纳尼了,你难道不知道?”“这事从未宣布过。”“你说得对,是没有宣布过,但这事已经定了。”




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