

词组 countdown
释义 countdownn. Space English, informal〖航天〗〖非正式〗1A step-by-step process which leads to the launching of a rocket. (发射火箭时的)倒读数;倒计时。◆ Countdown starts at 23:00 hours tomorrow night and continues for 24 hours.发射火箭的倒计时将从明晚23点开始,并持续24小时。2Process of counting inversely during the acts leading to a launch; liftoff occurs at zero. 倒计时阶段。3The time immediately preceding an important undertaking, borrowed from Space English. 倒计时时间。◆ We're leaving for Hawaii tomorrow afternoon; this is countdown time for us.我们将于明天下午动身去夏威夷;现在我们已进入倒计时时间。




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